Crazy Beach Party App Reviews

Like what!?!?!?!

So… I am a child and this game has glitches every second. And in all coco play games you cannot change your name right when you start. I MEAN COME ON! You never add my name well I’m not gonna tell you my name cuz than I might get banned from my phone. Also the music. It’s a bit pleasing but I listened closely and did not sound appropriate for 4 + years old

It’s ok

It’s an ok game but once u keep playing it’s gets boring😒😫


I love coco it is so fun and so many more variety than some other games you get to create different outfits to express you in different ways

Just got the game

Idk 🤷‍♀️ about the game yet looks fun! Oof 😅 now I do THERE NAKED -.- ;-; Edit: IM BACK IM NOW 12 and can download your 12+ games but I don’t really wanna because I’m afraid that they are naked like this… IT GLITCH SHE WAS NAKED!!!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Hey! LISTEN! So most of Coco’s games are 12+. I just don’t get it. I read the description and it says it MAY have ( censored) and (censored). Literally. Also, when you first download this, it FORCES you to go to the party. AND YOU CANNOT DRESS UP! Then you won’t get rewarded Beach queen. Anyway, I love Coco’s games. My friend loves it too! Bye!✌🏼 P.S. when I put censored earlier, that’s Sex and nudity.😳😳😳

Worst game ever

I originally got this game so I could do what the description told me what I could do. They said I can dance and yeah I can every 7 hours! And this is a dancing game not a dress up game. I had to dress up, do my makeup, and other things like 100 times before I could do anything fun and guess what when I finally got to dance I had to wait! By the time I got to dance I got kicked out of the game! There is so many bugs in this game and is by far the worst game ever. Oh and this also has way to much ads. Don’t spend your money on this because it just kicks you out after you spend it and it doesn’t go through. This game is by far the worst game I ever played! And I once played in a game that it was so fuzzy I can’t see anything in it. And guess which developer made that game. Yes it’s Coco Play. I did not have bad internet too! Only a few of their games are decent and those still just decent. Don’t download this game. It is the worst. If I could rate this zero stars I would. Oh and it is not suitable for children. And I am one! This game is horrible! Plus like everything is locked. So take my word and do not download this game. Oh and let’s not forget how trashy and inappropriate this is. It’s basically saying you have to wear really short clothes and not be colored to be pretty. I deleted this as soon as possible. If you fix this maybe your reviews will be better. And I’ve had all of these problems with other games. So do not download ever!!! Oh and age rating 4+ I wouldn’t give this trash to a 20 year old. Some of your appropriate games are 12+ and your inappropriate one is 4+ seriously you guys are messed up! So do not download!!!

I love it

I love it because it’s not too Hard

So Inappropriate 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

If your thinking about downloading this app, I’ll give you one word.....DON’T. It’s the worst app ever super inappropriate for something that is supposed to be a “kids game”, you have to wait like 10 hours just to pretend to dance only to find out you lost, and when you try to “get something for free” all it does is send you to an ad and returns you back without anything being free and if you try to click again right after, it’s glitched! This app is the worst in the worst possible ways, first you have inappropriate then waiting 10 hours just to lose and finally to get something free it glitches. Don’t buy this app you’ll regret it you’ll just end up deleting it I deleted it as well nothing to be sad for.👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

I hate it👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

This game makes me mad because why would y’all only put one back girl and they cheated on the game like I was at first but the girl got in first I hate it

I love it but I think…

I love this game I been playing a lot of these coco games but can you please make the 7 hours a little faster I had to play tomorrow? I still give it 5 stars :) but can you give a little more places I am a kid and I can’t pay for the locked places

Best game ever!!!!!

I am a big fan of coco games but this just hit the spot it’s so much fun I could play this game for hours! Other people always put bad reviews but I love this game so much!!!You can dance and dress anyway you want!!And you can have a night party!!And do your makeup!!And so much more!!!This is the most fun game in the world! I know you have to purchase the full version but who cares!! This game is free I hope you download this game. I recommend you get this if you are a crazy beach person. So please get this game. I would love if you download. Thank you!

Hi I love it

Some years ago I played this game and I loved the game


This is literally my least favorite game because you do one dance then you have to wait SEVEN OR EIGHT HOURS to do it again also you have to redress them EVERY TIME. Deleting it after I write the review.

I hate this game!

At first when you download it it forces you to do the party and you can’t dress up! And It makes you wait Eight hours just to go again! And you can’t text like it says on the ads, Cocoplay Is amazing but I hate this one, no one is gonna download this game if you have to wait that long, so you can give it up.


This is the best app ever so when I was looking for coco apps I found this one and it’s the best you can do outfits and you actually can get them for free all. Of them and the make up is amaze love this app


Why would I want to wait 7 hours if I could just play a game? I don’t to wait for 7 hours. I love Cocoplay but this game I don’t like. People who want to download it can try it. But for me I give one star. Sorry. :)

I hate it

my mom does not like this app and so do I .I wish I can give it Zero stars


I am a young girl and I’m just trying this app right now like right nowSeems good so far

THIS GAME IS RIGED!!!!!!!!!!!!

This game is rigid because I watched a ad twice to get this hairstyle and it would not give me the hair and this game freezes up all the time worst game I am very disappointed I feel like from some of cocos other games i feel like they can do better but I do not recommend getting this game worst beach game ever.


I’m not a big fan of this 😑app but it has to have some more fun 😉things


Hi lololololololololololollolololololol Save the turtles

I love it

OK today I don’t care about what your parents say if they don’t approve I just yell at them This is the best game ever❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️❤️😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️😁❤️😁😀😁❤️😁❤️😁❤️😀❤️

a cool game

its a really cool game but it would be better if it had more things unloked

Worst game ever. AJ

This game is crap (no offense creators of this app). I have to do the same things in the game just over and over and over. And you have to pay if you want to have fun. Like 3 out of 9 places are free to go into on this app, the rest you have to pay to go into🙄

App keeps crashing

I have the current version but I can’t get it to open...and of course it’s the paid version...smh!

Broken and bad

Whenever you buy clothing it doesn’t give you it and you have no audio and I think the dancing is not very good

Best game ever

People who say coco games are bad don’t know what their saying I love coco games


Coco games are nuts 🥜 I don’t have to think about if it’s bad I know it! This stinks

Coco don’t listen to the haters!

I am a child not to young to write a review and I love coco games especially this one!

Best game it is so good I love it! I think you will LOVE it 😊

It teaches you how to do a party and other things. Load this.

Good game

It’s an ok game but I wish you would update it so that when you click get free you actually get the item you wanted rather than just watching an add for nothing also once you have gone of the ad the game’s sound is muted


This game is so much better than I expected! It is not rigged! I just Won!!!😎😃😁

Could be better 😕

I saw my sister had this game. And I was like oh wow. I download this game. My older sister saw the ads on my iPad. This made me and my sister happy . The ads are annoying! My sister just hates when you have to buy the full version. My parents can’t fix it.


I’m in love with this game


I’m just a little girl who thought this game would be better than when I started playing.(1) There are to many locked things,I’ve had other games with fewer locked things than this game.(2) In this game I went to the beach party one time and told me I had to wait 5 hours I didn’t like that

🔒 morning was hvfidnoscpncg

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Why wait for 7 freakin hours

When I initially downloaded this game I thought it was going to be fun but no you have to wait 7 hours just to do some little 3 minute dance thing. Plus you might not even win for all the time you waited. Second I watched a video for a free hair style but when I taped it nothing happened. Some of your other games are better than this on. I’m not being a hater I’m just tellin you my expirence and since this game is kind of targeted towards kids since I’m a kid from my view this game could definitely be better- no hate sincerely me😑

It’s good but...

Dear Coco,I agree with gamingmermaid can you please make the wait a little longer? Maybe like 2-3 hours instead of 7-8 hours? If you do,I’ll give you a 5 star rating. I swear


Dear Coco Play, Don’t listen to the haters because this game is a MASTERPIECE! But I do have a few suggestions, When you finish a dance, and you have to wait 7-8 hours, can you make the wait a bit shorter please. That’s all I have to say. Bye!


This game is really fun but one thing that I hate in all the coco games ALMOST ALL OF THERE STUFF IS LOCKED SO COCO IF YOU GET THIS PLEASE DONT LOCK 🔐 EVERY THING please😊


This game. Has hot girls in swim suits .

Not what I was thinking.🤬

I don’t like that the Spa, Photo shoot and the night party is locked 🔒 I really would love if you guys changed it. I know that some people might not mind it is locked 🔒

I is OK...

I think it needs lest tap and more dance moves because I am tired of having to tap every time and this game needs to get more dance moves everything else from the game is great I love it sooo much

What !!!

I do not know why but this was going great but my game started crashing after I finished my show

this does deserve a 3 star

this game is ok, but it is a bit boring. the game gives a small amount of choices for clothes, and most of the places are locked and need to be payed for in real money. you also have to wait for 8 hours for the next dance. it would have been better if you could have made fake coins or money in the game so we can buy stuff or unlock places, or have different dances per every dance. all in all, i give this game 3 stars


Hi! This game is so fun my sister will go crazy if she didn’t play but she got over it but still loves to play I love it too and this game is so me loving to get dressed and love to party and dance 💃 and so sassy so this game was sooo me and I’m glad I download this games and proud of myself❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤


I Downloaded this game yesterday and when I finished the party nothing else was unlocked how do you people do this!?


This a kid writing this and yes I will and up being critical. The game is a rip of. It looks fun on the outside but it’s not. And you haft to wait a day to have a beach party. Everything is so over priced 8 dollars for that game is an wast of money. And it’s more like a dress up game and I am about to take it of my device know. So please don’t download this game. That’s my review.

Coco don’t listen to the haters!

Hi I’m a child not to young to right a review but anyways for those of you who makes coco games don’t listen to anyone who says that your game is bad. Because it’s not! And I will tell the haters why. Because I just love the coco games and especially this one ! Because my fav season is summer and I looooooooooove summer because everything becomes tropical and I loooooooooove tropical. And because at summer time it’s fun and you could go swimming! Like who doesn’t like swimming ! And the songs got this game sounds summery. And it’s sooooooooo cool ! For those of you haters they said oh this is bad no it’s not ! Nevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver! Evvvvvvvvvvvvver ! And people who makes coco games whatever you do don’t listen to the haters! I’m here to support you:)

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